“I have with me two gods, Persuasion and Compulsion “- Themistocles

Ida combine humanism and science by bridging business, experience and technology: HCI, Neuro/Behavioral marketing expert. Communications specialist. Passionate about applying the anthropological, neurological, philosophical of language, psychological skills in corporate projects.

An enthusiastic team leader, who utilizes energy techniques and mindfulness in problem-solving and in organizing great team building activities.

Be a doer!

Was born, lived in Rome, and In Italy soaked the soul in the beauty, art, genius of the Italian Renaissance. Ida initiated and led transformational change in the US, UK, and Italy, where she built and ran diverse multidisciplinary teams within areas of neuro/marketing and communication, consumer products, and various organizations.

If she get the human and professional synthesis of her way, you see how holistic view, in its love for man and the complexity  is express in the ardor for life. Levels up from every experience, master her mind and unleash her potential with the power of empathy 

In essence

FOCUS: Storytelling by bridging business, experience, and technology
INDUSTRY: technology, health and wellness, consumer products, art, fashion
EXPERIENCE: marketing and communication, counsellor
LEADERSHIP: 10+, domestic, built and led diverse multidisciplinary teams
CULTURE: led teams from “rigid-structured” organizations to “non-traditional” Creative R&D environments
APPROACH: inclusive, empathic, and participative
SME: Marketing and Communication Management, User Experience (UX), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Augmented and Mixed Reality (AR, MR, XR)
EDUCATION: Master Degree in Cultural Anthropology
LANGUAGES: English, Italian, French, Spanish

Ida received award: Best Journalist -Intern on RAI Year 2000, University internship, and was an active speaker in HUB DOT London, woman’s empowerment.

She won a MBA scholarship in the prestigious HULT, International Business School

She have Founded HARA PROJECT, a holistic Community.

Our vision at HARA is the promote a holistic and spiritual life, consciously responsible with Nature and with our Community. Our values are respect and modesty, simplicity, celebration through music and art, the cordiality between human relationship and the common benefit of our Community.

HARA offers physical, emotional, sensual, and wellbeing experiences http://www.haraproject.it

About me, marketing and communication


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