-All I am resides in the uniqueness of my life and the legacy of my family, the ecosystem-

This is what we share during the practice.

I had the gift of Bhakti as a child, and the ability to interpret the dreams of my family, for generations.

I have a Masters Degree in “Cultural Anthropology” from La Sapienza di Roma. I’m a writer, and for 20 years I have taught ancient Greek, Latin, Italian and Philosophy. Also, for 10 years I worked with children with special needs. 

In 2010 I started to practice different styles of Yoga: Vinyasa, Hata, Asthanga, Yin, Kundalini, Yoga Nidra and Tantra Yoga.

I studied the most important texts about traditional Yoga, Indhuism, the Veda, the Buddhism, the Pali Canon, Ayurveda, the Zen, Tantra Yoga, the Theravada buddhism and Vipassana, the most important Gurus and Scholars.

My Bhakti is Shivaism.

I travelled around the world and inside myself.

 Myoga moment:

I have been teaching Yoga for 7 years. Accredited Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals

Effectively teach students about the balance and connection between the body, mind and spirit; read excerpts from Yogi Literature, lead students in chanting when appropriate, and use Mindfulness to uplift and recharge students during class.

If i get the human and professional synthesis of my way, i can see how anthropology, in its love for man and “the other” is express in the ardor for life. And how to write, communicate and create performance is an unfolding of the soul and a therapy against a “negative thought”.

Nourishing your mind, body and soul!

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